The Archethic Mainnet Has Officially Been Launchedby@archethic
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The Archethic Mainnet Has Officially Been Launched

by Archethic Public BlockchainDecember 22nd, 2022
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Archethic, a Franco-Luxembourg technology group that is building the foundations of a trusted universal internet, launched its eponymous blockchain on Saturday, December 10, 2022. Inspired by the values of universalism integrated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Archethic's team decided to include it in the genesis block of this blockchain. The first 5 patents aim to discard all logins, passwords, and identification cards.
featured image - The Archethic Mainnet Has Officially Been Launched
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Archethic, a Franco-Luxembourg technology group that is building the foundations of a trusted universal internet, launched its eponymous blockchain "Archethic" on Saturday, December 10, 2022. Inspired by the values of universalism integrated into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Archethic's team decided to include it in the genesis block of this blockchain.

"74 years after it was written, it is obvious that if the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written today, an article would be about the neutrality of the Internet and the fundamental freedoms of women and men in this space. In this spirit, we have added a 31st article as the first block of our Archethic Public Blockchain that will be able to be used as a smart contract between any person signing and the applications they access."

-**Sébastien DUPONT, President and Co-Founder of ARCHETHIC TECHNOLOGIES
Founded in 2017, the ARCHETHIC Group is the result of a shared vision of experts from the payment, cybersecurity and banking ecosystems who identified the need to shape the architecture of a new Internet. By capitalizing on the international technical expertise of several enthusiasts and partnerships researchers, notably the CNRS and the Ecole Polytechnique, ARCHETHIC's team have shaped in a few years the foundations of an Internet that is more secure, simpler and much more ecological.

Based on more than 4 years of research and 12 international patents, "Archethic" is an open-source public blockchain designed to be both faster and consume
drastically less energy than the current market offers. Moreover, this blockchain is developed to be at the heart of the trusted internet, commonly called web 3.0.

The first 5 patents aim to discard all logins, passwords, and identification cards that pollute and weaken our environment by replacing them with universal biometric identification, unfalsifiable and guarantees the respect of users' privacy (RGPD). One of the services that will be proposed is the interoperability of KYC, for example, by allowing a bank to certify certain data to another, without the customer having to re-disclose or re-provide the same information.

The next 5 patents, at the origin of this release, focused on the implementation of a truly decentralized network, governed by mathematics, resilient to cyber-attacks and allowing to reduce the consumption of the current Internet by 42000!

Finally, the last two patents aim to allow current applications to migrate or interface effortlessly to this new network. Each application will no longer need to master all the technologies to launch its service (identity management, stock management, payments, interfaces to external suppliers, etc.), but will be able to rely on a universal exchange platform capable, through smart contracts, of instantly putting all the offers in relation to each request. For example, by allowing a private individual to offer a space in the trunk of his car to a merchant wishing to ship a product, It's Uberization without the need to pay an Uber!

All the technical aspects of the project are detailed in the Yellow Paper and the White Paper is available on the website:

A promising ecosystem backed by major partnerships

Several companies have already started to work on integrating their services on this blockchain, which will eventually replace the current uses of the Internet: cybersecurity, mailboxes, websites, marketplace, etc.

Grégoire de SAINT-QUENTIN, adds "At a time when our hospital and energy infrastructures are exposed, our SMEs are fragile, and our personal data is insecure, the Archethic blockchain represents a trusted European cybersecurity solution.” “It is our technological sovereignty that is strengthened with the release of this project, which I am proud to support."

Archethic Public Blockchain

Archethic is a Layer 1 aiming to create a new decentralized internet.

Its blockchain infrastructure is the most scalable, secure, & energy-efficient solution on the market thanks to the implementation of a new consensus: "ARCH"

Archethic smart contracts expand developers' boundaries by introducing an internal oracle, time triggers, editable content, and interpreted language.

Through native integration for Defi, NFTs, & decentralized identity, Archethic offers an inclusive and interoperable ecosystem for all blockchains.

In order to achieve the long-term vision of an autonomous network in the hands of the world population, we developed a biometric device respecting personal data privacy (GDPR compliant)

**Do you want to learn more? \ White Paper
Yellow Paper

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