Maximizing the Benefits of AI Tools as a Product Manager: Unleashing 10X Productivity

Written by peculiar | Published 2023/05/29
Tech Story Tags: chatgpt | people-using-chatgpt | use-chatgpt-to-save-time | effectiveness-of-chatgpt | product-management | productivity | artificial-intelligence | ai | web-monetization

TLDRAs technology advances, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly integral part of various industries, including product management. Many AI tools exist for Product Managers to make most day-to-day activities easier. This article explores the different AI tools available to product managers for 10X productivity at work.via the TL;DR App

As technology advances, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly integral part of various industries, including product management. Many AI tools exist for Product Managers (PMs) to make most day-to-day activities easier.

The time saved when using AI tools gives PMs room to focus on more strategic and high-value activities. It allows you to allocate your effort toward critical decision-making, innovation, and problem-solving.

Is AI coming to take our product management jobs? Not at all. AI rather presents us with the opportunity to be the best at what we are good at. Besides, we are creative, empathetic, and intuitive in a humane way that AI cannot afford in building products that people love.

This article explores the different AI tools available to product managers for 10X productivity at work. Most of them are free or in Beta.

User story generators

Any user story generator will require you to explain your product idea or feature in detail so that you can get the expected result you need. Here are some tools you can use to brainstorm ‘AIstorm’ features and go past writer’s block:

  1. (Beta): This tool is good for breaking down your product idea into features and to generate sample user stories. Although without acceptance criteria.

  2. Google user story Chrome Extension (Free): Creates user stories for you with detailed acceptance criteria. Their model is based on OpenAI GPT-3.

  3. Agilestory (Beta): Generates ideas for you from a sentence. Also, user stories, and acceptance criteria. You can also generate a feature list including needs for an admin portal.

  4. Chatgpt (Free + Premium): With a detailed description of your feature you can generate user stories and exhaustive acceptance criteria.

✰ Recommendation: User story generators help you seamlessly transfer knowledge from business stakeholders to the development team. You can use a combination of Agilestory and Chatgpt for your idea, user story, and acceptance criteria generation.

Product Document Generators

We’ve come a long way with product documentation, from writing from scratch to using templates, and now a sweet blend of templates and content generation. Here are some generators you can explore:

  1. Writemyprd: This GPT-powered tool will generate content for your Product Requirement Document (PRD) using the basic information you provide.

  2. Quite a handful. This tool gives you the freedom to generate a PRD, Acceptance Criteria, Product Roadmap, Analytics events, Release notes, etc.

ChatGPT and tips

ChatGPT—This new wave since November 2022, has come to stay as a product manager’s work buddy. I personally learn a lot from my use of ChatGPT, and it helps me speed up ideation. Here are some ChatGPT prompts you can try out:

  1. Product Discovery Prompts:

  • Example 1: “What are the common complaints with banking apps? I want to build a complimentary app that solves these issues”.

  • Example 2: “Which specific product features can I incorporate into the e-commerce gadget platform I've created in order to incentivize vendors to consistently update their stores with accurate inventory information?”

  1. Product Development Prompts:

  • Example 1: “I’m building an app for fashion designers to collect measurements from their clients who want customized wears. Create a user persona for these two users’”

  • Example 2: “Create a product specification sheet for a food delivery app using the structure: What are we building? | Why are we building it?| What will this feature achieve?”

  • Other use cases: You can explore ChatGPT for your product launch writings, UX copies, Release notes, to summarize a list of user feedback, and create FAQs, etc.

In conclusion,

Ultimately, AI tools empower product managers with improved decision-making capabilities, and increased productivity. However, it is important to follow best practices and use them strategically to ensure accuracy.

Thanks for reading this far.

Written by peculiar | Product manager |UX Designer | Freelance writer
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/05/29