How to Find an AWS Migration Partner by@mariaj

How to Find an AWS Migration Partner

by Maria JonesJune 15th, 2023
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Many companies are migrating to the cloud for data and applications, because of the many benefits. Having a partner to help navigate the process can save you a lot of time and money. The right AWS migration partner is going to bring many things to the table such as: resources, expertise and a guarantee.
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Migrating to AWS is a very complex process, so finding the right partner to help guide the process is important. Below are some key points to consider in your search.

What’s the Need for AWS Migration Partner?

Many companies are migrating to the cloud for data and applications because of the many benefits. However, the initial migration can be complex, and having a partner to help navigate the process can save you a lot of time and money.

The right AWS migration partner is going to bring many things to the table such as resources, expertise, and a guarantee on their work.

Warmly greeting an AWS accomplice can give a scope of advantages, including admittance to the most recent information, best practices, cost reserve funds, and significantly more.

What to Consider When Choosing a Partner

By getting associated with an AWS Accomplice, you'll have the option to cross into new and different fields, extend your client reach, and take your business towards more development through the specialized, promoting, and financing assets made accessible from AWS.

AWS Accomplices are focused on your business targets and will help you in amplifying the worth of the benefits that AWS offers.

These Accomplices are undeniably situated to help your firm at each step of its Cloud Reception Excursion and to assist you with achieving your business targets thanks to their broad AWS experience and mastery.

Here's what to keep in mind.


Choosing a partner with experience with AWS migrations will be able to help build the migration plan and guide the execution to make things go smoothly.

Before choosing an AWS migration partner, ask about their experience migrating databases, applications, and third-party services from on-premises environments to AWS.


Migration can be a significant investment in both time and resources. A partner can provide additional resources that specialize in migration. Leveraging their experience and expertise will cut down on downtime and move the project along more efficiently.


Certification is an essential step in the successful execution of your AWS Migration. Your partner should be AWS certified to assist with migration activities. This ensures that your provider will be up-to-date on all technology changes and security best practices before migration.

Customer References

When choosing an AWS migration partner, it's important to consider their references. After all, you want a partner who has experience working with your industry and knows how to solve specific challenges.

Customer references can help you evaluate your overall candidate's reputation and experience and assess their approach to determine whether they are right for your business.

Cost and Fees

When considering an AWS migration partner, it’s important to ask about cost and fees upfront, so you can accurately compare your options.

And be sure to ask about hidden costs (such as application upgrades, integration services, customizations, hardware provisioning, etc.), so you aren’t charged without knowing it.


A good partner will offer guarantees. What happens if the migration goes wrong? An AWS migration project has many moving parts. Having a good sense of how your partners handle risk and contingency planning is important.

Some of the most common guarantees are the security of your data, uptime, and performance. They will also guarantee compliance with applicable laws and regulations, protecting your company from the risks of a lawsuit.

Prior to going on the chase after the right AWS accomplice, you want to characterize your precise necessities and potential requirements.

You ought to be clear about your objectives and what you need to accomplish out of your cloud-based business change. Do you need speedy market access? Is it safe to say that you are searching for expanded nimbleness?

Or on the other hand, do you simply need a more practical working climate?

Different inquiries to pose to yourself: Would you like to do the entire cycle in-house, reevaluate it totally, or utilize a mixture arrangement?

When the inquiries are responded to, you can browse the two kinds of AWS accomplices: Counseling accomplices and innovation accomplices.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, remember that choosing a partner is not just about finding someone to do your migration. It's also about finding someone who understands your business and will work with you as an extension of their own team. So, choose wisely.