Ending Net Neutrality: Tip of the FCC Fuckery Iceberg That Limits Your Freedom to Connectby@drron
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Ending Net Neutrality: Tip of the FCC Fuckery Iceberg That Limits Your Freedom to Connect

by Ron Suarez3mDecember 11th, 2017
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This week the <a href="" target="_blank">FCC</a> will be voting on Net Neutrality. FCC chair and former Verizon lawyer, Ajit Pai, would like to go way beyond just ending Net SuNeutrality. Don’t think that we only have to be concerned about getting stuck in a slow lane, the FCC may let ISPs keep you from using the on ramp to the information super highway.<em> </em>With respect to well documented cases like Bit Torrent, <a href="" target="_blank">Pai has argued</a> that the history of ISPs like Comcast blocking the use of certain technologies (that threatened their market position) is no big deal. The argument offered by the likes of Verizon, AT&amp;T, Comcast and Time Warner is that they need to be able to have fast and slow lanes in order the better manage networks. <a href="" target="_blank">Susan Crawford</a> has written and spoken extensively how the US has fallen far behind the rest of the industrialized nations in terms of public access to Broadband Internet because of the monopolistic practices of companies like Comcast.

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Ron Suarez


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