3 Reasons Why You Should Be Marketing With Email Newslettersby@hackernoon-archives

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Marketing With Email Newsletters

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Email newsletters, when used correctly, can be an invaluable source of marketing for your company or product. They have the power to create communities and build you a loyal following. Just look at Product Hunt, which Ryan Hoover built using LinkyDink which leveraged email to create a community.

Everybody is talking about social media, influencer, and content marketing. All of these are good and powerful, but email marketing in some cases can be more reliable than all three. Email is a great distribution channel for the content in content marketing and may even get you more reliable customers.

This is why I’ve been exploring email marketing. I love music and I love talking to others about music in order to discover new songs and artists. What better way to do this then create an email newsletter about discovering music?

Here are the top 5 reasons that you should start a newsletter:

1. Build A Community

Email newsletters build a community of like-minded individuals that enjoy the content you produce and share the same interests as you. For example if you have a sports app and you want to market it using email, you may create a newsletter that gives your thoughts on the latest sports news and stories. That way, you know that all of your subscribers love sports already and would have a connection to your product.

You have a huge community to market your sports app to. Additionally if you need to launch it on Product Hunt or have big news that you need many people to act on, you have a highly specialized segment of people that you can ask for help. After all, you’ve given them so much value and content that they can in turn help you.

2. Build Expertise and Reputation

By regularly sending out meaningful content in your emails, you build expertise and reputation in that certain field. You gain the respect of others and open up doors for opportunity in the future. You’ll meet and talk with others that have the same views as you on the topic of your email and further your knowledge in that certain area.

Everybody’ll know you as the person that represents that industry or field, whether it be sports, business, entrepreneurship, music, etc. That’ll help you in the future as when you build products that your audience will like, they’ll instantly refer you to friends because you’ve built up a relationship of trust and expertise with them.

3. Reliable Distribution Channel for Content and Products

As mentioned before, if you put out superb content in your emails, you’ll have a loyal customer base at your disposal. This creates a reliable distribution channel for your content and for future products. This makes launching products much easier and allows you to create hype around betas and future products.

The key to this point is that you don’t annoy your subscribers though. If you ask them to do too much, they’ll unsubscribe. You need to flip the script and make your subscribers need you more than you need them. Make a newsletter that they look forward to every day, week, month, etc.

Newsletters have great potential, and although email seems to be the ancient form of marketing, it is here to stay. Subscribers reserve a special spot in their inbox for you where they’ll devote their time and attention to your newsletter if you do a good job. This is totally different from social media where it is easy to get lost and overshadowed.

With newsletters if you release premium content you get premium results. It is an unbelievably important marketing channel that can be taken advantage of in nearly every industry. All you need is a voice, great quality and decent email design. Services like Mailchimp, Curated, and Revue exist to help you start one already, most with free plans. So what’s stopping you?

Thanks for reading and subscribe!

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