21 Post Launch Tips for Startupsby@kamalika-de
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21 Post Launch Tips for Startups

by Kamalika De5mSeptember 14th, 2018
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Are you working on the next big thing for your <a href="" target="_blank">startup</a>? Then there should be an equally big launching plan to accompany this. While some companies only stick to creating a press release and hoping that people will take interest in their startups, there is actually much more to do to <a href="" target="_blank">build a buzz for a startup launch</a>.

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Are you working on the next big thing for your startup? Then there should be an equally big launching plan to accompany this. While some companies only stick to creating a press release and hoping that people will take interest in their startups, there is actually much more to do to build a buzz for a startup launch.

Have you already followed all the actionable tactics and launched your startup successfully? If you have, then don’t think that your responsibility is over. You need to be consistent with marketing your business if you want to ensure its long-term success. Launching a startup is just a small part of your entire entrepreneurial journey. The most important thing is how you take your startup towards success after the initial buzz gets lowered a bit.

Today, in this post, I have gathered 21 surefire post-launch startup marketing ideas. So, without further ado, let’s talk about them.

Give Importance to Website Development & Designing

  1. Proper optimization of your website development and design from time to time as per your customers’ need is really important. Create landing pages for different kinds of audience. Do not pour all types of information in one single page. Make your website user-friendly by having individual landing pages for individual products and services. For example, if you offer both web solutions and enterprise solutions, instead of having information about both services in one page, create separate landing pages for separate solutions. Also, create individual landing pages under web solutions section if you offer more than one web solution, such as AngularJS development, PHP development, NodeJS development etc.

2. Add features to your webpage only when your customers need them. It is fine to remove old features if you find that they are no longer useful.

3. If you have an e-commerce business, shorten the checkout process on the website. Also, you can give additional incentives on the checkout page to attract more customers.

4. Have a resource page, where you can share new updates about your products, news, market trends, and useful information. For example, Dropbox Inc., a company that offers file hosting service, was founded in 2007. It came into the industry with an aim of showing people the way to keep files in sync simply. Now it has expanded with a greater vision of designing a more enlightened way of working — on files, projects, and more. Ever since its establishment, the company has maintained a blog page on the site where people can find various useful tips and tricks.

5. If possible, Mention free demo for your service on the website. Use a click-worthy Call To Action (CTA) for this.

6. Update your website content with relevant images, useful videos, lists etc. to increase its readability.

Focus on Marketing & Promotion

7. Promotional and marketing activity plays a big role in driving traffic to your website and new customers to your business. Work with your product team to find out how you can keep these customers around. This means you need to focus on ongoing education like post-launch business webinars, case studies, and success stories to show your audience what they can attain with your service or product.

8. Harness the power of social media. Advertising through social media proffers abundant benefits to startups. It improves brand awareness, develops a meaningful connection with the customers and provides the opportunity to reach a large group of audience. By being active on leading social platforms you can be aware of who your audience is and what they want from you. Customer engagement will help you tailor your posts in sync with their requirements. The way you will interact with your customers can make or mar your startup. And social platforms are the best places where you can truly engage with your customers. Some successful companies even have separate social media accounts for customer support only.

9. Making a strong connection with your customers can be possible in other ways too. Try email marketing and ask your customers to leave feedback for your service. You can also conduct a survey among your customers before adding any new feature to your product. And don’t forget to send your customers thank you cards after receiving their email ids. This is a kind gesture that can work for your business effectively.

10. Another effective marketing tactic is to build a rapport with an influencer online. Yes, you should connect with individuals to develop an influential relationship for your startup. But it may take a long time. Thus, you should also connect with people who already have that influence in the digital world. Do market research thoroughly to create an influencer list that is relevant to your business. But do not think only high follower count signifies influence. You need to check how much engagement is there among the followers.

11. Don’t forget the power of content marketing. Create a list of topics based on the core keywords related to your business. Using the core business keywords in content will increase your startup’s credibility in search engine result pages. After that, develop content using those keywords. Keeping your target market in mind, you need to develop various types of content, including ebook, webinar, video, newsletter etc. Also, do guest blogging in high authorized sites to build your business credibility.

12. Organize trade show, conference, seminar and other events to network with more people. You can give away free stuff to advertise your startup.

Analysis, Test & Track Your Business Status to ensure Growth

13. Competitor analysis is important to know about your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. If you find any of your competitors have an edge in business, then identify the angle where it is lacking. This will help you stand ahead of the crowd with a unique business approach and market your product in a better way.

14. Perform A/B testing to measure the success of your marketing campaigns. Through this test, you will be aware of which marketing strategy works for you and which does not. This way you can implement more appealing advertising strategies and ensure your startup success.

15. Set up an analytics account and track your business website performance. Measure traffic, page views, bounce rate, conversion rate, and revenue through analytics. This will help you understand how you can make your website, products or services perform better among your target audience.

Build A Strong Support Team

16. Train your support team to be as personal as possible when replying to customers’ emails and providing support. A personal tone in an email can help customers rely on your company and come back to you for availing a service or buying a product again and again.

17. Keep the service and support process transparent and reliable to build credibility for your business.

18. If you have an e-commerce startup, offer refunds or discount if a customer is not satisfied with your product. Keep refund or discount policies properly visible on your website. If any customer still has any query, always ready to meet his/her need with utter perfection.

19. Keep a live chat section on your website. Have a support team that can meet customers’ requirements 24/7/365 through chat.

Bonus Tips

20. I have already mentioned before, after creating a great buzz for your startup launch, your responsibility does not end there. You should not lose your momentum to ensure your startup’s long-term success. Have a passionate team and encourage your team members to shout out your startup’s story to the world. Make sure that there is no single marketing resource is being overlooked by you. Work with your team to identify the ways to keep your existing and prospective customers around.

21. The startup ecosystem is swiftly changing these days. Thus always stay updated with the ever-changing market trends.

Wrapping it up, an entrepreneurial journey is always challenging and ensuring long-term success for a startup is not an easy job. But it is not impossible though. By following the above-mentioned post-launch tips for a startup, you can certainly make your significant mark in today’s ever-changing startup market.