Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Ivan Novak, Tech Entrepreneur by@inovak

Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Ivan Novak, Tech Entrepreneur

by Ivan NovakJuly 23rd, 2023
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I'm Ivan Novak, a seasoned tech entrepreneur, mentor, and writer with a career spanning 17 years in the tech industry. I've been privileged to work with some of the most innovative startups worldwide, providing tailored tech solutions and strategic business guidance.

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Tell us a bit about yourself. For example, name, profession, and personal interests.

I'm Ivan Novak, a seasoned tech entrepreneur, mentor, and writer with a career spanning 17 years in the tech industry. I've been privileged to work with some of the most innovative startups worldwide, providing tailored tech solutions and strategic business guidance.

Aside from consulting and mentoring, I've also authored two(!) books that go into the complexities of scaling and software development, aiming to simplify these for eager young tech enthusiasts. Outside of the tech world, I’m a husband, father to four kiddos, a private pilot, and building an airplane in the garage with the family. We’re always ready for a challenge and a learning opportunity.

My career path and personal interests are intertwined, reflecting my passion for technology, business, and the thrill of exploration. All these fuel my mission to help more folks navigate their early years in tech and business. I see it as a core path to owning one’s success and building value for themselves through legitimately helping their communities.

Interesting! What was your latest Hackernoon Top story about?

My recent top story on Hackernoon, "From Mid to Senior: How to Deal With Imposter Syndrome," tried to address a common, yet often under-discussed issue many in the tech industry face—Imposter Syndrome. This psychological pattern often leads individuals to doubt their accomplishments, with an underlying fear of being seen as a "fraud."

The piece explores Imposter Syndrome's common signs and its coexistence with the Dunning-Kruger effect, which is essentially an opposing cognitive bias that causes people with low ability at a task to overestimate their ability. It's crucial for rising developers to find a balance between self-doubt and overconfidence.

The article provides practical strategies to manage Imposter Syndrome, such as recognizing and acknowledging feelings, documenting successes, learning from failure, reaching out for support, and maintaining balance through self-care.

The overarching message is a reminder that every developer—no matter how experienced—goes through phases of feeling out of depth. It's a part of our industry. The key is not to let these feelings hold you back, but rather embrace the journey and keep learning and growing.

Do you usually write on similar topics? If not, what do you usually write about?

Absolutely, the topic explored in "From Mid to Senior: How to Deal With Imposter Syndrome" is a strong reflection of my overall writing focus. As a technologist, entrepreneur, and mentor, I'm passionate about creating content that lies at the intersection of technology, business, and personal growth.

One way I do this is through my newsletter, The Sunday Scoop, where I share weekly productivity tips, practical life advice, and insights from across the web. The newsletter is designed to offer value to a range of professionals, from technologists starting their entrepreneurial journey to SaaS business owners looking to scale to programmers growing their careers.

In terms of my written content, I explore a variety of topics, from in-depth technical guides to leadership strategies, and from the nuances of scaling a SaaS business to personal development within the tech sector. These include tackling challenges like Imposter Syndrome, honing productivity techniques, and striking a healthy work-life balance.

I also address these topics in my first book, "Scaling Success: Strategies for Growing Your Tech Team & Capabilities," where I delve into practical strategies for tech team growth and capability enhancement. The goal, whether it's through my articles, newsletter, or books, is to provide actionable insights that can directly support my readers in their professional journeys.

Great! What is your usual writing routine like (if you have one?)

In terms of my writing routine, I've found that it's significantly influenced by my innate energy levels and how I choose to harness them throughout the day. There are two specific spans of time in my day, 6 AM to 11 AM and 4:30 PM to 10 PM, during which I experience periods of deep focus with clear thinking. Of course, these periods can be optimized further through sleep, diet, and exercise. But, for me, they always exist to some degree.

In the early stages of my career, I became aware of these periods of heightened productivity, but instead of embracing them, I attempted to force a constant level of productivity throughout the day. This approach proved wildly counterproductive.

Over time, I've refined my routine to better align with my natural rhythms. I dedicate my first span of high-energy hours to deep work, which includes writing and making progress on professional goals. Between these periods, during regular working hours, I focus on communication with my teams and planning for the future. The second energy span is dedicated to family time and personal projects.

By orienting my writing schedule around my natural energy levels, I've found a routine that not only enhances my productivity but also supports a healthy balance between my professional and personal life. This approach helps me to create thoughtful, high-quality content consistently.

Being a writer in tech can be a challenge. It’s not often our main role, but an addition to another one. What is the biggest challenge you have when it comes to writing?

Indeed, juggling writing alongside a technical role can be quite challenging. For me, one of the most significant challenges is finding the right balance between technical detail and accessibility. When writing about complex tech subjects, it's crucial to provide enough detail so that the content is accurate, valuable, and actionable. However, I also want to make sure that what I'm writing is understandable and engaging for a broader audience, which includes not just fellow tech professionals but also individuals who might be less technically inclined.

Another challenge is finding the time to write consistently. As with many other professionals in tech, my role is multifaceted and often demands a high level of engagement and attention. Despite this, I believe writing is a crucial part of my contribution to the tech industry. It helps me to distill and communicate my thoughts, experiences, and knowledge effectively.

Overcoming these challenges is an ongoing process that involves a great deal of practice, patience, and learning from feedback. I've also found that a well-structured routine and a keen understanding of my own energy levels, as I mentioned earlier, significantly aid in this endeavor.

What is the next thing you hope to achieve in your career?

Looking ahead, I have a twofold vision for the future of my career.

Firstly, I’d like to continue expanding the reach and impact of my books, posts, and my newsletter, The Sunday Scoop. I believe that sharing knowledge and experiences is a powerful way to contribute to the growth and development of individuals and organizations in the tech industry. I'm particularly interested in exploring more about the human elements of technology - leadership, team dynamics, and personal development within a tech context.

Secondly, and longer term, I aspire to leverage my experience and insights to establish a private equity firm that supports startups. The goal is not just to provide financial investment, but to offer the technical expertise and strategies required for these startups to scale successfully. I've been on the startup journey myself, and I know the challenges and complexities it involves. I'm keen to provide a unique kind of support that combines financial backing with tactical and strategic guidance rooted in real-world experience.

In essence, my aim is to empower others in the tech industry, whether that's through sharing knowledge or facilitating growth. I look forward to continuing this journey, embracing new challenges, and contributing to the tech community in meaningful ways.

Wow, that’s admirable. Now, something more casual: What is your guilty pleasure of choice?

If we're talking about guilty pleasures, then mine has to be aviation. Now, I know that might not sound like your typical guilty pleasure, but hear me out. I've always been fascinated with the concept of flight, the blend of engineering marvels, and the freedom it represents. As a private pilot, there's nothing quite like taking to the skies for an impromptu flight. But, beyond just flying, I've taken this love a step further and am in the process of building an airplane in my garage.

You could say it's a rather time-intensive hobby, and in a profession where every minute can be accounted for, spending hours tinkering with an airplane might seem indulgent. However, I've found that it provides me with a refreshing escape from the digital world. The tactile satisfaction of working with my hands, the intricate problem-solving required in aviation mechanics, and sharing a lifelong joy with the family – it's a form of relaxation and fulfillment that I highly cherish. So, in between advising startups and making progress on my writing, you'll often find me elbow-deep in airplane parts, wholly engrossed and loving life.

Do you have a non-tech-related hobby? If yes, what is it?

In addition to my aviation hobby, which I've already mentioned, I do consider exercise to be a daily requirement. I firmly believe that taking care of our bodies is just as important as nurturing our minds, and exercise is a key component of that philosophy.

I find exercise to be a great counterbalance to the cognitive demands of my day job. It gives me a chance to step away from the screens, clear my mind, and keep myself in good physical health. I also find that regular physical activity helps maintain my energy levels, enhances my mood, and even aids in creative problem-solving. When I'm stuck on a tricky issue or seeking inspiration for a new article, a good workout often provides the clarity and energy boost I need.

However, my most treasured time is spent with my family. Being a husband and a father, I cherish the time we spend together, whether that's helping with homework, going on adventures, or just enjoying dinner together. These moments with family provide a refreshing contrast to my professional pursuits, offering a balance that keeps me grounded and reminds me of what's truly important.

What can the HackerNoon community expect to read from you next?

The HackerNoon community can look forward to the next installment of my "From Mid to Senior" series, which will be titled "From Mid to Senior: How to Navigate through Office Politics". This series offers actionable advice to developers navigating the often tricky transition from a mid-level to a senior role. It covers various aspects of the journey, from overcoming Imposter Syndrome to handling professional relationships and politics to coaching and being coachable.

In addition to this series, I've taken up the challenge of publishing something daily while maintaining my newsletter, The Sunday Scoop. The aim is to provide tangible value, whether it's sharing insights from my career, discussing interesting tech trends, or delving into the intricacies of entrepreneurship. My goal is to ensure that every piece I share contributes to helping my readers navigate their own professional paths, whether they're developers, startup founders, or aspiring tech leaders. So, stay tuned - there's plenty more to come!

What’s your opinion on HackerNoon as a platform for writers?

I think HackerNoon is a fantastic platform for writers, particularly those of us in the tech industry. Their editorial team is responsive and helpful, providing useful changes that have allowed my work to be consumed more broadly. The community is engaging and welcoming, which is not always a given in online platforms.

In terms of tooling, HackerNoon offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive features that streamline the writing process. It's clear that the platform has been designed with writers' needs in mind.

But what truly sets HackerNoon apart is its distribution reach. Its wide readership means that the writing has the potential to impact a significant number of people across the globe. For someone who writes to share knowledge and inspire others, this is an invaluable aspect.

Overall, my experience with HackerNoon has been extremely positive. I look forward to continuing to contribute to this community and seeing how it evolves in the future.

Thanks for taking time to join our “Meet the writer” series. It was a pleasure. Do you have any closing words?

It's been a pleasure to participate in this series and to be part of the HackerNoon community. I believe in the power of shared knowledge, and platforms like HackerNoon make it possible for us to learn from each other and collectively push our industries forward.

For those just starting in the tech industry or who are on their journey from mid to senior roles, remember that it's okay to have doubts, but don't let them hold you back. Keep learning, keep challenging yourself, and don't be afraid to reach out to others for help. We all benefit from a more connected, collaborative tech community.

Lastly, for anyone who resonates with the topics I write about, I'd love to hear from you. Feedback, shared experiences, and challenging questions are all welcome. You can reach out to me on Twitter or join the conversation with the wider community.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share a bit about myself and my work. I look forward to reading, writing, and learning more with all of you at HackerNoon.