Food Tech Stories: Yummy Trends in 2020by@arthur.tkachenko
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Food Tech Stories: Yummy Trends in 2020

by ArthurMay 1st, 2020
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Food trends, new ingredients, and changing customer tastes are reshaping the way that individuals will communicate with cafés, bars, and even organizations themselves in 2020. In 2020, in 2020, you'll see nourishment patterns inclining ceaselessly from guilty pleasure and into a more health-minded place — and with guarantees like better gut wellbeing and higher supplement density. Low-Alcohol beverages, cloud kitchens aka ghost kitchens, are another interesting 2020 trend. The more we eat and experiment with food, the more food waste we produce.

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Based on this story: Food and Restaurant Trends 2020

We have already barreled into the roaring 20s (nice pun, ha?) that haven’t  been welcoming or hospitable, to say the least. Let’s leave alone all the chaos that is happening around us now and focus on something pleasant and familiar like food for example. Of course, the food industry has been better and the outbreak is hitting the global food business. But let’s hope for the better.

Usually, the nourishment and food industry is consistently attempting to foresee, shape, and exploit moving consumer patterns and inclinations. Food trends, new ingredients, and changing customer tastes are reshaping the way that individuals will communicate with cafés, bars, and even organizations themselves in 2020. And, that’s pretty significant, regardless of whether you're on the customer or the organization side of things.

Overall, in 2020, you'll see nourishment patterns inclining ceaselessly from guilty pleasure and into a more health-minded place — and with guarantees like better gut wellbeing and higher supplement density. So what’s on tap for 2020?

According to, the first trend is fermentation. This trend has been there for quite a long time, but this time it is taken to a whole new level. With such a large number of conceivable outcomes and lines of disclosure still unexplored, it never fails to bring the unfamiliar flavor.

Next on the list are Low-Alcohol beverages. Millennials are trying to cut down on their alcohol consumption which is a great thing. And beverage companies are leaning in. New companies offer alcohol-free tipples that are nice enough to pour in a glass and still feel fancy.

Heirloom varieties, like rye and barley and ancient grains, have made it to the list too. They ground from grains initially domesticated a great many years ago. These grains are present in grocery store bread, healthy pasta, and treats. They are considered as extraordinarily nutritious and are great for gluten-intolerant people.

In 2019 and 2020 people have fallen back in love with fresh pasta, which is no surprise. Are they rejecting clean eating and queuing around the block for plates of pasta? Maybe. Anyway, pasta is back in the game and is not going to leave any time soon. Also, pasta’s popularity on photo-sharing sites is ridiculous.

Cloud kitchen is another interesting 2020 trend. An offshoot of the food delivery trend is cloud kitchens aka ghost kitchens. Cloud kitchens’ shared spaces are made for delivery-only restaurants. This format gives the café the adaptability to more than a brand utilizing a similar kitchen framework.

Regenerative agriculture is another staple this year. It has to do with sustainability and organic approach.  This type of agriculture includes cultivating and grazing practices that, among different advantages, reverse the environmental change by remaking soil natural matter and reestablishing debased soil biodiversity – bringing about both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle.

Functional foods are featuring prominently in the food industry in 2020 as well. We are slowly moving away from traditional diets deemed universal (like Mediterranean, for instance). Functional foods can be characterized as dietary things that, other than giving supplements and vitality, helpfully regulate at least one body function, by upgrading a specific physiological reaction as well as by diminishing the danger of sickness.

They may also protect against disease, prevent nutrient deficiencies, and promote proper growth and development. So the feature where all good diets will be individually tailored is already on the doorstep.

And last but not least comes food waste. Not the trend you would expect, wouldn’t you? But these are harsh realities. The more we eat and experiment with food, the more food waste we produce. This problem is not easy to tackle, but the progress has been made with governments making laws and common people pitching in.

Read the whole story here: Food and Restaurant Trends 2020

Created by Tatsiana Isakova

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