6 Tips to Host a Successful Virtual Networking Eventby@anupriya

6 Tips to Host a Successful Virtual Networking Event

by @web monitization AnupriyaFebruary 16th, 2022
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More than half of respondents in a recent Eventbrite survey have plans to attend online events and in-person meetings in the future. Here, we'll walk you through the steps you can take to make your virtual event truly engaging and unique to your attendees. By curating the attendee experience, you will not only create a unique event, but you will add value. Take advantage of the opportunity to provide ticket add-ons that can be sent to attendees before or after the event.

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Even with a roadmap to end social distancing, the virtual events will still be there. While live events will always be the lifeblood of the industry, more than half of respondents in a recent Eventbrite survey have plans to attend online events and in-person meetings in the future. So it's no surprise that so many event creators are turning to online events or combining them with in-person opportunities.

However, it can make it difficult to know how to host a successful event that stands out from the crowd. Here, we'll walk you through the steps you can take to make your virtual event truly engaging and unique to your attendees.

1. Care about the experience

Many content creators use similar platforms to host virtual events, so think about how you can make your event different. By curating the attendee experience, you will not only create a unique event, but you will add value. Take advantage of the opportunity to provide ticket add-ons, such as merchandise, that can be sent to attendees before or after the event.

For example, if this is an interview with an author, give participants the option of purchasing a signed copy of the book. You can also offer incentives for attending, such as voucher codes for discounts on upcoming events or access to bonus materials.

2. Customize the virtual event for specific devices

When examining how to create a virtual event, consider whether your audience is watching on a mobile phone or computer, and adjust your content and format accordingly. Virtual event platforms like Zoom only show multiple faces at once on a mobile device. But on the desktop, more than 20 screens can often be displayed, often making interactions between participants easier and more natural.

However, it is likely that some of your audience will be able to attend your event via their mobile phones. But don't worry - these participants can still have a great experience.

3. Combine technology

Take advantage of the latest technology to make your virtual event truly unique. For a gallery or museum event, you can use virtual reality to offer attendees a 3D tour of the exhibit. Or, if you need to present slides, use the Leap Motion controller for smooth transitions that match your speaking speed.

If your event is a job fair or university open day, emulate the face-to-face experience with a platform like vFairs that enables communication between exhibitors and attendees by turning them all into avatars.

4. Hold a virtual dry run

Whether you want to host an online conference with a group of speakers or a virtual seminar with speakers, always hold a mock event ahead of the actual one to address technical issues and strengthen group dynamics.

Encourage your speaker to familiarize himself with the platform being used. While they may be good at public speaking, every piece of software is different, so surprises are best avoided.

5. Start a virtual conversation

Networking is one of the main reasons people attend events in person. So, with virtual events, try to create the same atmosphere by giving people the ability to connect before, during, and after.

Invite participants to social media groups first to start a conversation and share ideas. During the event, do what you can to start a conversation, such as setting up a workspace for team bonding exercises or activating the chat feature.

6. Focus on accessibility

Organize your virtual events with accessibility in mind. Make sure attendees can easily access it using Eventbrite's automated email reminders with clear details on how to join. Add subtitles so everyone understands what is being said. And don't forget the time.

One of the advantages of hosting a virtual event is that you are not tied to a physical location and can therefore attract an audience from all over the world. When thinking about hosting a webinar, for example, consider the time zone of the majority of your audience to determine the most convenient time of the event.

These 6 tips can take to turn your virtual event into a truly engaging and unique experience for your attendees. It's time to join the many event creators that are turning to online events or combining them with in-person opportunities.