10 Proven SEO Content Writing Tools to Streamline Your Workflow by@nafisahmayun

10 Proven SEO Content Writing Tools to Streamline Your Workflow

by Nafisah MayunMay 19th, 2023
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SEO has become essential to content writing, helping your content reach a wider audience and generate organic traffic. The right tools will equip you with the necessary data to optimize your content effectively and achieve tangible results. List of Proven SEO Content Writing Tools: Google Search Console, Google Analytics, AlsoAked, SE Ranking, ChatGPT, Hemmingway App.

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Don’t just work hard; work smarter!

SEO has become essential to content writing, helping your content reach a wider audience and generate organic traffic.

However, optimizing your content for search engines can be daunting without the right tools. The good news, though, is that several SEO tools can significantly enhance your content writing workflow.

These tools provide valuable insights, automate time-consuming tasks, and empower you to create SEO-friendly content that performs well on SERPs.

Whether you're a seasoned content writer or just starting your journey, the right tools will equip you with the necessary data to optimize your content effectively and achieve tangible results.

A quote from Chima Mmeje on writing content without data.

So, let's dive in and discover the power of these SEO tools in supercharging your content writing workflow.

List of Proven SEO Content Writing Tools

  1. Google Search Console
  2. Google Analytics
  3. Google Trends
  4. AlsoAked
  5. Ahrefs
  6. SE ranking
  7. NeuralText
  8. ChatGPT
  9. Grammarly Premium
  10. Hemmingway App

Note: I recommend these SEO content writing tools based on personal experience and success.

1. Google Search Console

screenshot of search performance results on Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a powerful free tool that offers content writers an array of essential tools and insights to help optimize their content for better visibility, higher rankings, and increased traffic. For example:

  • Your content performance: GSC allows you to monitor the performance of your website in search results, including impressions, clicks, and click-through rates. This data enables you to identify high-performing content and optimize underperforming content.

  • Improve on-page SEO: it provides a range of tools to improve on-page SEO, including identifying and fixing technical issues like broken links or crawl errors and ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly and fast-loading.

  • Keyword research: GSC enables you to perform keyword research and identify the search terms your target audience uses to find content. Integrating these keywords into your content strategy can improve your chances of appearing in search results and drive more organic traffic to your website.

  • Link quality: it provides data on the quality and quantity of backlinks to your website. Backlinks are an important ranking factor for Google, and Google Search Console helps you track and analyze the effectiveness of your link-building strategies.

    2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics streamlines the content writing workflow by providing actionable insights into your audience's behavior, content performance, keyword optimization, user journeys, and conversion tracking. How?

  • Audience Analysis: Google Analytics provides detailed information about your website's audience, including demographics, interests, and behaviors. This data helps you understand your target audience better and create content that resonates with their preferences and needs.

  • Content Performance Evaluation: You can track various metrics related to content performance, such as page views, bounce rates, average time on page, and conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify the most successful pieces of content. And you can then replicate and refine successful content elements for improved quality and effectiveness.

  • Keyword Insights: Google Analytics provides data on the keywords and search queries that drive traffic to your website, allowing you to see keywords that bring visitors to your site. This data helps identify high-performing keywords, uncover new keyword opportunities, and optimize content for better search engine rankings.
  • User Journey Analysis: Google Analytics offers valuable insights into user behavior and their journey through your website. This data helps you understand how visitors interact with your content, which pages they visit, and where they drop off. You can identify content gaps, improve navigation, and create a seamless user experience by analyzing user journeys. This, in turn, enhances engagement, reduces bounce rates, and increases the chances of conversion.

  • Goal Tracking and Conversion Analysis: Google Analytics allows you to set goals and track website conversions. You can define your content goals, such as newsletter sign-ups, downloads, or purchases, and monitor performance. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your content in driving desired actions and make data-driven decisions to optimize your content writing strategy accordingly.

3. Google Trends

A screenshot of Google Trends homepage.

If you’re starting a new business or creating a content strategy for a new business, Google Trends is your best bet to lay down the foundation. While other tools will help you conduct research and audits of existing content, Google Trends will help you to explore the untapped potential that can yield a large keyword landscape for your content. Here are some of the things you can do with this tool:

  • Identifying Trending Topics: Google Trends provides insights into the latest search trends and popular topics. This helps you produce timely content that aligns with current interests, increasing the likelihood of attracting a larger audience.

  • Keyword research: allows you to analyze specific keywords' popularity and search volume over time.
  • Regional Insights: Google Trends offers regional data that shows the popularity of specific topics or keywords in different locations. This information is particularly useful for you if you’re targeting specific regions or local audiences.

  • Content Validation: If you're thinking of creating content on a specific topic, it's a good idea to use Google Trends to assess its potential interest and demand. This can help you determine whether it's worth investing your time and effort.

  • Content Planning and Strategy: Google Trends can be a valuable content planning and strategy development tool. You can create a content calendar that aligns with peak search periods by analyzing long-term trends and identifying seasonal or recurring patterns. This allows for strategic content distribution and ensures that the right content is published at the right time, maximizing its impact and visibility.

4. AlsoAsked

AlsoAsked is a valuable tool that can boost content creation by providing insights into related questions and topics users frequently search for on Google. Heck, even questions users haven’t asked yet. I love how AlsoAsked presents data visually.

An image generated by AlsoAsked for the keyword, project-management.

This tool enables you to identify subtopics and related queries that can be addressed within your content, ensuring comprehensive coverage and enhancing your content's overall value and relevance. Also:

  • Related Questions: AlsoAsked generates a list of the closest related questions based on a given keyword, providing valuable insights into the specific queries your target audience is asking.

  • Visualizations: AlsoAsked presents data in a visually appealing graphical format, making exploring and understanding the hierarchy and interconnectedness of different topics easier. This provides a natural way to structure your pages and internal links, thereby improving your content structure.
  • Deep data: AlsoAsked provides more data than any other tool on specific, long-tail search queries, allowing you to maximize traffic and user satisfaction.

If you’re the type that likes to create content that satisfies user intent rather than stuffing your content with keywords, then AlsoAsked is for you.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a wide range of features to boost content creation.

Some of its key functionalities are:

  • Keyword Research: Ahrefs offers a robust keyword research tool that allows you to discover high-volume and relevant keywords. Also how difficult it’ll be to rank for your chosen keyword. This assists in optimizing content for better search engine rankings and attracting organic traffic.

A screenshot from Ahrefs keyword tool showing keyword difficulty, volume and traffic potential for he keyword air fryer

  • Competitor Analysis: Ahrefs provides insights into competitor strategies, including backlink profiles, top-performing content, and organic search rankings. This helps you understand competition, identify opportunities, and create content that stands out in the competitive landscape.
  • Content Explorer: With Ahrefs' Content Explorer, you can find popular articles on specific topics, analyze their performance metrics, and identify content gaps to create more comprehensive and engaging pieces.

6. SE Ranking

SE Ranking is an all-in-one SEO software that offers a suite of tools to support content creation and optimization. In addition, this tool provides a range of features, all of which contribute to streamlining content creation workflow and improving search engine visibility.

A screenshot from SE Ranking SEO tool showing it's features

7. NeuralText

NeuralText was the first AI writing tool I had access to. After I joined the Freelance Coalition for Developing Countries, I was given access to the tool for free. Before then, I knew nothing of its existence.

NeuralText utilizes AI-powered algorithms to generate content ideas, outlines, and even full draft articles. It offers various features, such as

  • Content briefs: NeuralText provides sufficient data to help generate detailed content briefs.

  • Keyword Idea: NeuralText helps you generate keywords, search volume, keyword difficulty, and topic clusters.

  • AI writing templates: When it comes to AI writing templates, NeuralText has quite a number. Over 30 plus to automate your writing workflow. I’ve played with blog outlines, intros, and titles. You just need to play around with your template of interest and decide which one works for you.

A screenshot from NeuralText AI showing it's features

I don’t advise you to take everything the AI generates straight up without tweaking. Some generated outlines may be off or too robotic.

8. ChatGPT

A screenshot of ChatGPT homepage

ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model created by OpenAI. It uses deep learning methods to generate human-like responses to text prompts. With its conversational abilities, ChatGPT can provide information, answer questions, give suggestions, and engage in creative conversations. Trained on extensive text data, it can assist users in tasks like:

  • Brainstorming,
  • Content creation,
  • Refining language,
  • And fact-checking.

There’s no writer's block with this AI. It’s no wonder it is mentioned across all social media channels.

However, it's important to note that while ChatGPT can provide valuable input and suggestions, it's always essential for you to review and verify the generated content for accuracy, consistency, and adherence to specific style and guidelines.

9. Grammarly Premium and the Hemmingway App

A screenshot of Grammarly premium homepage

Nobody (expert or beginner) publishes or submits their final copy without it going through the editing process. And that is where Grammarly and the Hemmingway App come in. I’ll talk about the Hemingway app in a bit.

While the Grammarly free version corrects spelling and basic grammar mistakes, the premium version does a more in-depth job. It helps:

  • Rewrite your sentences for concision and clarity.
  • Input transition words
  • Plagiarism checker (I wouldn’t depend on it for plagiarism checks, though)
  • My favorite is the app integration (Canva, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Facebook, etc.).
  • Check more.
  • Clarity-focused sentence rewrites.
  • Tone adjustments.
  • Word choice.
  • Formality level.
  • Fluency.

If you’ve used this app before, then you’ve realized that, though it does a great job at editing, some of its recommendations are usually off. So, you still have the final say as a human editor.

10. The Hemingway App

I would say that The Hemingway App is obsessed with editing so much that it overdoes it. When you edit the content so much, it’ll sound robotic. Thus, I only use the Hemmingway App when I need to flitter out hard-to-read sentences.

Final Thoughts

SEO content writing tools are only here to improve your workflow, not replace you!

Yes, they help with automation, provide valuable data, and improve optimization. But they are just tools with neither experience nor empathy. So, instead of letting them replace you, let them support and guide you to achieve your content marketing goals.